
Here you can find an overview and explanation of changes in data published in our 2020 report.

People section

Employability – Training and development

In the calculation of training hours, Elopak has updated its methodology to include more training. This led to an increase in the average number of hours of training per employee for 2020. It was published as 2,6 hours but was afterward calculated as 2,8 hours.

Planet section


Elopak has previously reported on sales of FSC™ certified cartons for our global operations, including joint ventures. In 2021 we changed this to be in line with the scope of the rest of the report, which is based on operational control approach and hence not including joint ventures. For consistency, the data including joint ventures is provided in the data tables. The reported number for 2020 was 54%. However, verifying the data, considering the decimal points, the correct number should be 55%.

The above change also affects the total % of certified materials purchased reported in 2020.

Net-zero – scope 3

During 2021, Elopak did a rebaseline of the SBTs to set near-term targets, choosing to increase the ambition for scope 3 reductions. The new calculated 2020 numbers differ slightly from the 2020 reported data for category 1 due to the inclusion of waste volumes in the raw materials category, as well as a correction of production emissions also included in raw materials (hence a double-counting).

For the transport categories (4 and 9), we have reclassified inbound and outbound transport to be in line with the GHG protocol, whereas we previously classified this from a supply chain point of view.

Within categories 11 and 13, we have improved the methodology for filling machines which lead to some changes.

This means that the scope 3 data is not fully comparable to 2017 data (previous baseline) nor the 2020 reported data.


The reported recycling rate for Canada in 2020 was 61 %. However, due to a revision in the reporting methodology in one province, this was later corrected to 56 %.

*The Forest Stewardship Council™(FSC™). FSC™ C081801. Look for FSC certified products – the mark of responsible forestry.

2017 published
2017 corrected
2020 published
2020 corrected
% FSC certified cartons sold, incl. JVs
% purchased from certified sources (by weight)
Net zero – Scope 3
Category 1: Purchased goods and services (tonnes CO2e)
350 028
380 794
Category 4: Upstream transportation and distribution
21 768
19 798
21 494
23 585
Category 9: Downstream transportation and distributionPlaceholder
19 381
21 350
22 350
20 260
Category 11: Use of sold products
54 585
63 432
Category 13: Downstream leased assets
9 876
10 751
Scope 3 total
460 012
500 500
Recycling rate Canada (%)