Elopak works continuously and tirelessly to improve its corporate governance framework, aiming to maintain a strong company culture and encourage healthy and proper business management, safeguarding long-term success while remaining truthful to its principles. Elopak’s governance framework, which includes our Code of Conduct, serves as a guide to upholding the integrity and ethical foundation of Elopak.
Sustainability governance approach
Accountability for sustainability in Elopak lies with the Board of Directors. The Board has appointed the Board Audit and Sustainability Committee (BASC) to assume its oversight responsibilities. This includes overseeing the reporting process and ensuring balance, transparency, and integrity of external financial and sustainability reporting.
Strategy and its implementation is owned by the Global Leadership Team (GLT). A cross-functional sustainability network has been established to manage and implement relevant sustainability topics in Elopak. Led by the sustainability director, responsibilities are naturally placed under the relevant business units.
Delegated by the GLT, compliance of the different areas under ESG (environmental, social, and governance issues) is governed by a sustainability Council. Chaired by the Sustainability Director, the sustainability council includes the CMO, CFO, CHRO, CPO, and EVP Packaging and Closures.
Governing documents and standards
We have multiple governing documents to support our sustainability approach. In addition, we use measures such as certifications and third-party audits. We believe certifications are an important step towards transparency. Read more here.
Elopak’s management of sustainability is defined in the following governing documents:
General policy documents:
- Code of Conduct
- Anti-Corruption Policy
- Global Supplier Code of Conduct
- Raw Material Sourcing Policy
- Safety Policy
- Sanctions and Trade Compliance Policy
- Anti-Money Laundering Policy
Procedures employment:
- Recruitment and appointment of employees
- Conducting interviews – how to approach candidates
- Onboarding of Employees, checklists, and programs for new employees
- Classification of positions – Mercer Methodology
- Performance Management and Development in Elopak
- Elopak Requirements to Leadership Development and Training
- Remuneration – Elopak Group
- How to do remuneration in Elopak
- Checklist for re-organization – down-sizing
- How to handle workforce reductions and termination of employment
- Offboarding – Checklist
- Resignation Interview
Procedures safety and travel:
- Health, Safety, and Working environment
- A standard for Travel Management
- Employee’s Safety on Business Travels
- Global Mobility Policies and Procedures
- Cross-border Employees Tax Treatment
- Posted Workers Directive – Elopak internal guideline on frequent business travelers
Other procedures:
- Corporate Crisis Management in Elopak
- Crisis Management affecting employees and contractors
- Contingency plan for IT Crisis and Crisis Management in Elopak
- Whistleblowing and internal investigation procedure
- Declaration regarding Intellectual Property
- Confidentiality Undertaking
- Responsible Supply Chain Procedure
- Acceptable use of IT – tools – end-users
- Company Use of Social Media
- Employee’s Use of Social Media
- Instruction for Processing of Personal Data
- Storing and deleting personal data – Elopak whistleblowing channel