Case: Covid-19

Elopak has, like other companies, struggled with increasing levels of COVID infection rates and lived with several social restrictions in our societies to limit the spread, and as such in our workplaces as well.

Health and safety of our employees have been our main priority during the pandemic. In addition, Elopak has focused on ensuring that infection risks in Elopak facilities have been minimized as far as possible to protect and maintain our essential business activities including manufacturing.  All plants in the Elopak Group have been running through the pandemic and most office people have worked from home.

I started working at Elocoat under the pandemic. During this period, only two people at the time were allowed in the canteen. The same rule was applied at the workplaces to keep the spreading of the virus as low as possible. Luckily, I was able to get to know my colleague’s through the rotation system. Due to less restrictive measures it is now possible to be together with all colleagues, which makes working more fun. This is important to me, because I appreciate a good working relationship with my co-workers. What I’m not going to miss is wearing a mask. I am so relieved that rule is out of the door.

Zico Michielsen – Coating Operator

Elopak continued with a Corporate Response Team led by the CHRO throughout the year, in addition to local crisis teams. The role of these teams was to establish and issue corporate and local processes and guidelines to avoid spreading the virus through infected employees. Strict travel restrictions were maintained, with continued use of home office wherever possible.

Acknowledging the strain the pandemic put on the organization, a survey on “how are you doing” was performed. Regardless of the workplace, the survey showed that most people felt comfortable with the working situation and well taken care of. See more about the survey here.

When I was told on March 13, 2020, that I had to work from home, I hoped it wouldn’t take that long. My work mainly consisted of planning trips and there was almost no travel due to Corona – the work-load decreased – this made me very bored.  Fortunately, the work increased because I was able to help my colleagues from other departments with the administration and translating texts. I also really liked that my colleagues regularly called me via Teams for just a chat. They literally dragged me through this.

Marika de Kort – Executive Assistant – Netherlands